Read If Suicidal

The Rant
3 min readDec 15, 2020

Is the thought or situation that triggered you, temporary or permanent? Do you still have a small lick of hope left? Is there help available?

Do you still have things you are happy for? If there is, that means you are on the right path. If not, then maybe it’s time to explore the world a bit more than you already have. That’s okay, you are human, you have the right to feel this way, but no need to make any rash decisions. Your demons are tampering with your happiness. Don’t give them the victory. I know you will be able to win this race strong and fierce.

The amount of strength that you have is impeccable. Is this your 1st attempt? If you have tried before and survived, that means you can outlive this urge. Stay strong, I know you can be.

There is so much to be hopeful for. Your life is much more valuable than you think. Yes, there are bad times but you are in control of how many good moments you have. Fill your life with positivity. Focus on the positive things in life. Think of one thing that makes you happy. Make a list of it, later down the line, keep adding stuff.

You are so much more than you think. I know that you can do it. You are amazing and useful. You add happiness and grace to life. Life wouldn’t be the same without you.

Please, do not make this permanent decision. Don’t let your mental illness ruin your life. Take control of it. Kick it in its butt. I promise you won’t regret this decision.

Whatever you are struggling with: Sickness, Trauma, loss of hope, family difficulties, It won’t be easy, It is going to be uncomfortable, but you will be able to conquer your demons. YOU WILL WIN THIS BATTLE!

If you are in a crisis, follow these steps and your process will become easier.

  1. Call 911
  2. Call a parents/trusted guardian
  3. Contact a suicide hotline- 1–800–273–8255
  4. Keep yourself busy, refrain from self-harm
  5. Do not isolate yourself.
  6. Positive affirmations

The thoughts in your mind go commando, and you feel this pain not like ever before. I am sorry that you have to go through this. One of the thoughts that helped me fail my attempt was how it would affect my friends and family.

If you feel that your parents wouldn’t care, think again. However old you are, imagine all those years your parents took care of you. How many times they comforted you. Even friends that were there with you from the beginning. Think about what life will be like without you. A dark hole left in people’s hearts, only you can fill. Without you who will fill it.

You are so much more than you think. Life will not put us through anything that we can’t go through. Every negative situation we are in will pass. These thoughts you are having will pass, I promise.

You are a human being and you are allowed to take up space. You are allowed to make your feelings and needs to be known. You are exactly enough. You deserve all the happiness in the world.

Stay safe, stay smart. I believe in you. I know you can get through this tough time. :) It may seem hopeless but it isn’t. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

I recommend reading the book “Daring to take up space” By Daniele Kopke



The Rant

This is The Rant, an anonymous blogging page. I share my thoughts on matters that most people find uncomfortble discussing. This is a safe place.